Make a difference in your community by donating to the Markham Food Bank today!
Make a difference in your community by donating to the Markham Food Bank today!
Hunger is a persistent problem. The people that turn to food banks include families with children, new Canadians, employed people whose wages are insufficient to cover basic living essentials, individuals on social assistance, and Canadians living on a fixed income, including seniors and people with exceptionalities.
The Markham Food Bank accepts financial (cash, cheque, or online via Canada Helps) and in-kind donations of non-perishable food, baby items, and hygiene products.
When making a donation to the Markham Food Bank, please ensure items are within the best before period, have not expired, and have not been opened. We also are unable to accept homemade food and food that is no longer in the original packaging. We also cannot accept alcohol or items with alcohol (e.g. chocolates with brandy).
All contributions are tremendously appreciated and go directly to helping community members in need.
Donations can be accepted during our volunteer hours. We recommend driving to the rear entrance where you will see a white garage door and our banner. You can also drop off donations to any Markham Fire Hall and participating grocery stores throughout the city of Markham. For schools, churches, and organizations which hold food drives, please contact us to arrange for a pick-up.
Donation Drop Off Hours
Tuesday 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 AM - 12:30 PM
*If the doors are locked during this time, please call us at 905-472-2437
Please note that we currently have an influx of pasta.
We will continue to accept these food items but we ask that you consider donating food from our most needed list.
Updated March 2025
For every dollar you give, the Food Bank is able to provide additional means to hungry seniors, children, families and individuals in the community. All contributions are greatly appreciated! As a registered non-profit charity, the Markham Food Bank provides tax receipts for all monetary donations. Monetary donations to the Markham Food Bank can be made online at
Along with food and cash donations, the Markham Food Bank also now accepts donations of personal hygiene products.
Our Most Needed Personal Items:
The Markham Food Bank is always looking for volunteers who want to make a difference in their community.
Looking for an easy and quick way to support the Markham Food Bank? Consider making a financial contribution via our Canada Helps donation page, here:
If you would like to donate food items, more information can be found here: